YCSB benchmark on PostgreSQL

Create a PostgreSQL database

You can follow this post to install PostgreSQL and create the database cluster.

To create a database:

$ db_host=; db_port=5432; db_user=postgres; db_name=testdb

$ psql --host=$db_host --port=$db_port --username=$db_user -w -c "create database $db_name"
$ psql --host=$db_host --port=$db_port --username=$db_user -w -c "\l"
$ psql --host=$db_host --port=$db_port --username=$db_user -w -d $db_name -c "\dt+"

Load data to database

go-ycsb is a Go port of YCSB. It fully supports all YCSB generators and the Core workload so we can do the basic CRUD benchmarks with Go.

$ ./bin/go-ycsb load postgresql -P workloads/workloadd --threads 768 -p pg.host=$db_host -p pg.port=$db_port -p pg.user=$db_user -p pg.db=$db_name -p pg.sslmode=disable -p dropdata=true
Run finished, takes 29m39.847077518s
INSERT - Takes(s): 1779.8, Count: 97404992, OPS: 54727.5, Avg(us): 11176, Min(us): 179, Max(us): 80767, 99th(us): 72127, 99.9th(us): 79807, 99.99th(us): 80703

Run YCSB benchmark

$ ./bin/go-ycsb run postgresql -P workloads/workloadd --threads 768 -p pg.host=$db_host -p pg.port=$db_port -p pg.user=$db_user -p pg.db=$db_name -p pg.sslmode=disable
Run finished, takes 14m8.828228178s
INSERT - Takes(s): 848.8, Count: 4981537, OPS: 5868.8, Avg(us): 1968, Min(us): 226, Max(us): 19327, 99th(us): 11623, 99.9th(us): 17567, 99.99th(us): 19119
READ   - Takes(s): 848.8, Count: 93786269, OPS: 110492.3, Avg(us): 5899, Min(us): 78, Max(us): 41247, 99th(us): 32831, 99.9th(us): 40063, 99.99th(us): 41119
