go-ycsb load db terminated with message 'Got signal [hangup] to exit'

During database load phase with go-ycsb, the load process is terminated and the message ‘Got signal [hangup] to exit’ is reported.

$ nohup ./bin/go-ycsb load cockroach -P workloads/workloadd --threads 96 -p pg.host=<cockroach-host-ip> -p pg.port=26257 -p pg.user=root -p pg.db=test -p pg.sslmode=disable -p dropdata=true  &

INSERT - Takes(s): 6150.0, Count: 66394363, OPS: 10795.9, Avg(us): 8167, Min(us): 1515, Max(us): 28655, 99th(us): 26815, 99.9th(us): 28447, 99.99th(us): 28623
INSERT - Takes(s): 6160.0, Count: 66504914, OPS: 10796.3, Avg(us): 8166, Min(us): 1515, Max(us): 28655, 99th(us): 26815, 99.9th(us): 28447, 99.99th(us): 28623

Got signal [hangup] to exit.
Run finished, takes 1h42m46.015270222s
INSERT - Takes(s): 6166.0, Count: 66570612, OPS: 10796.4, Avg(us): 8166, Min(us): 1515, Max(us): 28655, 99th(us): 26815, 99.9th(us): 28447, 99.99th(us): 28639

To resolve this, after running nohup command, type “exit” to exit the current shell instead of closing the shell session directly.
